PEP Talk From the Grave
My dad taught me countless things. On a daily basis I relate more than a dozen things that I do that came directly from his teachings. He helped me to mold the base of loyalty and creativity that became the grown up me. Among the manifold things he guided me on, he impressed three things into me more than anything else. Those three things [...]
Life Balance
Balancing the different pieces of your life is a surefire way to improve and become successful. I strive to improve aspects of my life and therefore build a better balance. This goes back to a few previous articles I wrote about kaizen, and constantly working to improve yourself on a daily basis.
One popular method of working on your balance is called [...]
Hemophilia Days on Capitol Hill
March is National Hemophilia Awareness Month. Groups like the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF) and the Hemophilia Federation of America (HFA) spend countless hours working diligently all year long to ensure that legislative action is kept up with and followed through to protect the hemophilia community’s rights and needs. Once a year, the NHF [...]