HIV Longevity Still Fighting…


Another New Year

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

In circa 1973, Frank Zappa released a song about television. This song, I Am the Slime (Oozing Out of Your TV Set), tells a tale of how bad TV can be ... Well, I often think of this song with a futuristic slant on it. I think in the 90's you could have replaced TV with video games. Nowadays you might be able to say the same thing about the Facebook. To me, it is a necessary evil ... Yet I also think its the slime oozing out of our computers.

You're probably wondering what Facebook has to do with [...]


Write Your Book

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I was inspired by my friend, Susan Kim, to write about how easy (literally) it is to write your first novel

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Get Out of Debt

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Did you know that the total U.S. credit card debt is nearly $800,000,000,000. Yes, that is 800 billion!! That means that the average credit card debt per U.S. household is close to $16,000. Average household debt (credit cards and loans) is $54,000. More than 50% of Americans carried an unpaid balance on their credit cards from 2011 to 2012. I imagine this number is only growing.

In 2010 the total amount of consumer debt in the US was nearly [...]


Enough is Enough!

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

The year is about to come to a close. And, unless the Mayan calendar thingy is right, we will have all of 2013 to make all of those changes that we tried to do last year ... And the year before ..

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World AIDS Day 2012

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Today is World AIDS Day. Please take 60 seconds out of your day to reflect and remember the millions and millions of people affected and infected by this horrible HIV virus

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