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Another New Year

In circa 1973, Frank Zappa released a song about television. This song, I Am the Slime (Oozing Out of Your TV Set), tells a tale of how bad TV can be ... Well, I often think of this song with a futuristic slant on it. I think in the 90's you could have replaced TV with video games. Nowadays you might be able to say the same thing about the Facebook. To me, it is a necessary evil ... Yet I also think its the slime oozing out of our computers.

You're probably wondering what Facebook has to do with the new year ... Allow me to explain myself before you stone me to death for making such an atrocious statement...

I was thinking about New Year's resolutions and how we all strive to make ourselves better. But, when I talk with folks, the number one reason for not sticking to a plan is lack of time in the day

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. Think about it ... Have you ever said, "I wish I had time to (insert buzz word here)." You could replace that "buzz word" with workout, write a book, clean the house, create a blog, play with my kids, or any number of other things. The truth is, we have as much time as we need, but we often choose to fill that time with time wasters such as Facebook, TV shows, hanging out doing nothing, and so on and so forth.

How much time do you spend on Facebook each day? Be honest with yourself, and I'll bet you still get it wrong. Couldn't you eliminate 30 to 60 minutes of Facebook time and do a workout instead? Do you want to change? Do you want to improve? Do you want to motivate and inspire others? Do you want to make the world a better place? Start by assessing your time utilization and find those things you do to purposefully waste time and clean your life up.

Now that I said my piece, let's take a moment to look at what Facebook (and things like it really are). I have heard from many friends, I'm not sure why I'm even on Facebook. I chat and read people that I don't even know. They really aren't adding anything to my life, except filling my time. How often have you looked at your friend list and been like, "I don't even know who some of these people are" or "We weren't friends in Junior High School, so why are we friends now?" Think about this one a little ... Most of us have more than 150 friends on Facebook (I have ~1,500), yet it has been scientifically proven that as human beings we can't manage more than ~140 friends. Why is it a status symbol and so important to us to get more friends than we can even manage?

Don't get me wrong ... Facebook (like everything else) has it's place. I mean, you probably found out about this blog article through the Facebook! Also, it is great to keep up with what your friends are doing. I'm not saying quit Facebook. I am saying that with moderation, you can tone down your Facebook face-time, and get more time to do the things that you truly want to accomplish.

At least consider slimming down your "waste time" and using it toward something meaningful in your life. If you switch a little time around and do something positive, I promise you won't regret it.

Make yourself some resolutions for 2013. And, stick to your guns and follow through with them!

Love and happiness to all of you!


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Posted by Vaughn Ripley

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