HIV Longevity Still Fighting…


Eyes of the Hawk’s, Part Two

Posted by Guest Blogger

We strap on our collection of lenses and survey the parking lot. It's busy here, but not [...]


Is Exercise a Waste of Time?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I have heard people from time-to-time say things like, "Workout, eat healthy, and die anyway." Or they might ask, "Don't you think that working out is a waste of time you could better utilize?" I have thought long and hard about these kind of naysayers. I've drawn my own conclusion that I decided to share.

Last year I exercised for 155.5 hours. This year I anticipate beating that number. So ... Was that time that I could have used for something else? The answer isn't a simple yes or no. You see, by working out (properly) you do things to your [...]


How I Stay Fit

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I will be 46 years old next month

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. And, I manage to stay in the best shape of my life. If you're wondering how I do that, read on...

V in tip top shape

I often get told how fortunate I am for my good genetics. That my [...]