Get Your Hopes Up
Funny how article titles happen... I started to call this one, "Don't Get Your Hopes Up" because it discusses a very serious subject and the possibility that HIV and AIDS will never be cured. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stand the name. I mean come on... I'm supposed to be Mr. Positive (no pun intended) here. It is my duty to inspire and exude positive energy. How on earth can I do that with a stinky disappointing title? So, I turned my frown upside-down and came up with a better, enlightened title, Get Your Hopes Up!
That said, this topic might dishearten some of you. I however, choose to keep my head held high and my outlook positive. My favorite little positive phrase is "Attitude is 93%." I truly believe that! It is my firm belief that our attitude is what determines our outlook and everything about our very beings. Mull that one over for a little while.
Let's kick this bad boy off!
I'm sure that most of you have heard about a few patients being cured of HIV after having a bone marrow transplant. Perhaps you've also heard about the potential cure or a vaccine based around bee venom . And, almost all of us are hold our breath waiting for a vaccine of some sort. As a matter of fact, I read several articles each year that clearly claim that a cure or vaccine is coming based on some new-found drug, or super gene, or something.
While I love being "pie in the sky" and a believer in the unbelievable, I'm also a practical realist. I do not have any illusions about the potential for mankind NEVER finding a cure or vaccine for HIV and AIDS. I'm not being negative here, I'm simply telling you that I know that it's possible we won't ever complete this goal. That said, it has always been and always will be my dream that one day we will cure AIDS.
And, I honestly believe that we MUST strive to find a cure and/or vaccine until we do.
My point is that we should be pessimistically optimistic. In other words - believe that we can do it, but simultaneously be aware that we might not. And, be prepared for that possibility.
If you stop worrying about HIV because you believe 100% that a cure is coming, you might just do yourself a disservice and die because of it. You must remain vigilant regardless of whether you're HIV+ or not. We can't stop safe sex. We can't stop taking our medication. We can't stop being healthy and fit. We can't stop having a positive attitude. And so on and so forth.
The day we become complacent is the day we die!
That's really all I wanted to say. I hope this wasn't too negative. My mission was to spread positive energy and enough reality to open your eyes to the fact that we're thirty years into discovering this damned virus and still fighting it on a daily basis.
BTW - You may have noticed that my blog posts are slowing down here. That is not for lack of writing. I'm actually doing a daily inspirational post at my new blog:
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p.s. This post is a chapter in my blog-book, The Secret to Longevity. Checkout my similar posts here: Or, follow the goodie trail:
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