Make Your Creative Juice Flow
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
Our last On Writing blog article was about the choice to outline or not. Now that you've gotten past that stage, let's talk about where you can find some creativity when you aren't feeling particularly creative.
The world is full of wonderful things that can help boost your [...]
To Outline or Not to Outline
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
That is the question!
Time to tackle another writing article. Since creating the "On Writing" section in my blog I have really had a blast sharing my experiences with all of you. Being an author is one area that I sincerely enjoy discussing, and many of you ask me questions about these kind of things. So ... Here goes-
There are a lot of different ways to [...]
Write Your Book
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
I was inspired by my friend, Susan Kim, to write about how easy (literally) it is to write your first novel
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. We were talking about writing and the ups and downs of it when it occurred to me that the majority of people I know dream of writing a book and yet fewer than 5% of them have actually done it. So, as I was taking my Scottish shower (see my earlier blog post for this most energizing and creative way to [...]
How I Self Published
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
Since my book, Survivor, has come out, I have been asked a plethora of times what the process was, how long it took, and how I did it. So, I decided to create a blog article to detail what made me decide to self publish, the steps I went through, the pitfalls, my struggles, cost, and of course, how long the entire publishing thing took.
Let's go back to the beginning to really get this post kicked off properly ... In 1986 I was diagnosed with [...]
How to Create Your Own Blog
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
Several times a week I am asked two questions:
What is a blog?
How can I make my own blog?
So, I thought I would take a break from the deadly serious subject of [...]
Guest Blog Kickoff
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
Starting in January of 2012, I decided to open my blog to guest authors. I'm really looking forward to posting articles from other talented bloggers and authors. I know that many blog sites do this, and I was excited to get the ball rolling on it.
If you have something to write about, and think it might have a fit on, please free to submit your story using the "Guest Blog" page. You can always find [...]
My First Book Signing was a Success
Posted by Vaughn Ripley
I had a great day in Boonsboro, Maryland. I was at Turn the Page Bookstore at my first ever book signing. That's right ... I popped my cherry today! And, it was thrilling to say the least!!!
The weather was mild for a mid-February day. But, the wind made up for the warm temperatures. Gusty blasts of cool air threatened to [...]
Find Vaughn Online:
My memoir, Survivor: One Man's Battle with HIV, Hemophilia, and Hepatitis C is available at bookstores and online. You can buy your copy here.

And, be sure to checkout all of my books here.
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