So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
This might very well be my final blog post on
Don't panic! I'm not dying or anything like that. I'm a thriver. I'm a survivor. I can't die... Yet.
Nay, I am merely changing over to my new fulltime blog
You see, I have been inspiring and motivating on this blog for nearly five years now
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. And, folks have been very receptive and kind. However, I sort of niche'd myself into a select group with my blog name. This is actually okay, considering that I first created this blog with one intention - I wanted to help others dealing with HIV and AIDS by showing them how I've successfully managed to live this long. I created "The Secret" for this very reason. The whole idea was to have a website where I could publish articles on my trials and tribulations. And, how I've survived despite having HIV. Here we are nearly five years later (I started this blog on Friday the 13th in February of 2009) and I have not only accomplished my goal, but created a wonderful timeline of life events and stories at the same time.
It is with mixed emotions that I officially close down this blog and transfer over to my new one. But, I promise to give you every bit as much inspiration and motivation at my new one (perhaps more!)
I will continue to keep this blog up and available, because it is jam packed with useful information and stories. And, I will continue to monitor it for comments and be responsive. However, I'm not planning on posting any major articles. If something changes with my HIV or with HIV in general I will be sure to put it up here.
Also, I am compiling all of the "secret" articles from here and building a free ebook that I will publish in PDF format.
Please drop by my new blog Healthy Wealthy Tribe and chime-in on my inspirational posts there. You can also subscribe to be on my email list at my new blog and make sure you never miss one of my diatribes!
Love you all,
Vaughn Ripley
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Get Your Hopes Up
Funny how article titles happen... I started to call this one, "Don't Get Your Hopes Up" because it discusses a very serious subject and the possibility that HIV and AIDS will never be cured. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stand the name. I mean come on... I'm supposed to be Mr. Positive (no pun intended) here. It is my duty to inspire and exude positive energy. How on earth can I do that with a stinky disappointing title? So, I turned my frown upside-down and came up with a better, enlightened title, Get Your Hopes Up!
That said, this topic might dishearten some of you. I however, choose to [...]
Vow to Be a Better Parent
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Trinity is making breakfast on Mother's Day
My epiphany came sometime during the morning of Father's Day. My wife, Kristine, shared [...]
What is the Magic with Magic
Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jr. (born August 14, 1959) announced that he was HIV+ back in November of 1991. That is nearly twenty-two years ago!! So I ask again, What's the magic with Magic?
There is much speculation surrounding the question of why Magic Johnson (and many like him) have successfully stayed alive despite this death sentence. And, I believe that you can find a direct connection in [...]
Love Your Family As If You Will Die Today
One of my favorite quotes is from James Dean. I love the quote so much that it hangs (with a photo of him) in my den.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
-- James Dean (2/8/31 - 9/30/55)
This quote holds so much power, and it's sort of ironic that it came from a man who died at the very young age of twenty-four. A man who lived his life to the fullest and died young.
In some ways I feel that I've been blessed by having to live with [...]
Believe in Your Dreams and Believe in Yourself
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As I've said in plenty of previous posts, kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that essentially [...]
Is Exercise a Waste of Time?
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Last year I exercised for 155.5 hours. This year I anticipate beating that number. So ... Was that time that I could have used for something else? The answer isn't a simple yes or no. You see, by working out (properly) you do things to your [...]
Stay Hungry
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Sugared Water
Apple Computer wanted John Sculley to join them as CEO and apply his marketing skills to the personal computer market. Sculley was not sure that he wanted to join Apple and Steve Jobs sealed the deal when he made his legendary pitch to John, "Do you want to [...]
The Cowboy-up Workout
Today I am back in motivational mode. We are going to learn what Cowboy-up means to me.
No, I do not wear cowboy boots and a six-shooter during my workouts. These are merely props to demonstrate my euphemism. Besides, they look cool next to the iron.
I must start this blog article with a [...]
Resolutions for 2013
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Another New Year
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You're probably wondering what Facebook has to do with [...]
Get Out of Debt
Did you know that the total U.S. credit card debt is nearly $800,000,000,000. Yes, that is 800 billion!! That means that the average credit card debt per U.S. household is close to $16,000. Average household debt (credit cards and loans) is $54,000. More than 50% of Americans carried an unpaid balance on their credit cards from 2011 to 2012. I imagine this number is only growing.
In 2010 the total amount of consumer debt in the US was nearly [...]
Enough is Enough!
The year is about to come to a close. And, unless the Mayan calendar thingy is right, we will have all of 2013 to make all of those changes that we tried to do last year ... And the year before ..
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Observations of a Commercial Gym
For the past three years or so I’ve been training at a small private facility that caters mainly to powerlifters and Olympic weightlifters. It was a phenomenal place to train – packed with very strong, smart people who had forgotten more about building strength and increasing performance than most “personal trainers” will ever know. Recently, due to life circumstances, I had to transition to [...]
How to Boil a Frog
I thought about titling this article, ”A Look at Why Some People Thrive, and Others Do Not.” However, that seemed a bit wordy, unclassy, and simply pompous … Talking about frogs on the other hand is fun, goofy, and downright cool. So … The title is what it is. I’m sure everyone knows how to boil a frog, but I will waste one minute and explain it … You boil a frog by slowly [...]
When Life Throws Decreasing Radius Curves
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In a decreasing-radius curve, the curvature gets [...]
Distraction Tactics
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