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  1. Vaughn Ripley, Wow, I wanted to touch base with you. I am off now, I had a hernia, sist removal, and liver biopsy all recently done under factor. My hemotolagist is Eskander, here in Frederick. I am 60, a mild hemopheliac, and came up hiv+ with hep. C about 28 yrs ago….+or -. I had a crap childhood then wild hippy stuff. Everybody has a story. Good luck with your self help thing, I probably won’t be joining. I am on the Monocacy battlefield, on Baker Valley Rd. Cell 301 514 7149. If you have the time and inclination, I would like to get together and compare doctors, that sort of thing. Yours Truly, Dan Bailey

  2. whats up? good luck with everything you do!

  3. Worth taking a look at…
    My name is Venus Perez of Venus Perez Publications. I am the copyright, publisher and author of the book.
    I’m Still Here 2nd edition: The History, Testimony, Education, Outcomes and Strengths of people living with HIV/AIDS
    Now on EBAY
    I am also a distributor with Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Lightning Source and various other bookstores.

    I was hoping if your organization would add new book to your website.
    The new edition has up to date information from the health departments and has a HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention chapter added. New book pic has been submitted in email for submission for your organization. Book available in Print or Ebooks.

    I’m Still Here 2nd edition-The History, Testimony, Education, Outcomes, and Strengths of People Living with HIV/AIDS & STDs [Kindle Edition]
    Chapter topics consist of:
    * Testimony/Myself
    * HIV/AIDS Nutrition
    * Snapshots of Modern HIV/AIDS-new updates 2009
    * What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You! (STDs and You) new updates 2009
    * HIV/AIDS & STD Prevention- new updates 2009
    * Achieving Your Goals & Learning to Teach Others

    # Paperback: 162 pages
    # Publisher: Venus Perez Publications; 2 edition (June 12, 2009)
    # Language: English
    # ISBN-10: 0981726860
    # ISBN-13: 978-0981726861
    # Product Dimensions: 8.8 x 6 x 0.4 inches

    I Venus Perez hold the copyrights to this book. If you need further information please contact me at

    Also feel free to visit my website or facebook at
    For daily HIV/AIDS information and postings.

    Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support.


    Venus Perez
    Venus Perez Publications

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