Is Exercise a Waste of Time?
I have heard people from time-to-time say things like, "Workout, eat healthy, and die anyway." Or they might ask, "Don't you think that working out is a waste of time you could better utilize?" I have thought long and hard about these kind of naysayers. I've drawn my own conclusion that I decided to share.
Last year I exercised for 155.5 hours. This year I anticipate beating that number. So ... Was that time that I could have used for something else? The answer isn't a simple yes or no. You see, by working out (properly) you do things to your [...]
Why I Powerlift
With my third powerlifting competition coming up, I’ve been mulling a question that seems to recur before each competition: Why do I powerlift? I mean, it’s not like I don’t have enough to do, so why do I devote so much of my spare time and energy to getting stronger at the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Here’s what I’ve come up with.
What is Powerlifting? First, for those of you who don’t know, [...]
HIT is My Secret Weapon
I am three years into High Intensity Training (H.I.T.) weight lifting. I have had a couple of two week stretches of sickness and missing workouts for some reason or another ... I've also done some "other" types of weight training (e.g. powerlifting, bigger arms, etc) for a two month or so duration. All-in-all, I have probably done [...]
There is a fad that is sweeping across America (and the world for that matter). It is categorized as healthier living. With more than 30% of Americans being classified as obese, it is time for this fad to kick into action!
Gratuitous Disclaimer: I am afraid that before I talk about this fantastic subject, I must first warn you of the inherent danger associated with it… Working out and exercise can be dangerous. You can be seriously injured, crippled or killed. The opinions, stories and ideas presented here are my own and do not constitute a recommendation of or endorsement for any particular or general use. You should seek a professional medical evaluation before starting an exercise program. If you choose to workout, you do so at your own risk. More no this here.
With that painful dissertation out of the way...
Exercise is an essential part of life. Without it, our [...]