Surefire Way to Beat Your Best Time
Today's article was inspired by a close friend, Paul. During a casual conversation he mentioned that he'd had an epiphany about something I'd said to him a few months back. Paul has always been fit and healthy, but over the last two years or so, he's ramped it up a good bit with the regular use of andarine as an additional health supplement to bulk his muscles. One of the exercises that he really likes and has done good at are pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great exercise and they can also be very hard to do when you're just starting out. Several months ago, Paul asked me a simple question... How can I do more pull-ups?
That is an excellent question! I started with my standard personal trainer response [...]
Mountains of Misery 2012
I have a mighty tale of intrigue, adventure, and excruciating pain. A few months ago my good buddy, Keith, sent me an email calmly asking if I'd like to join him on a century. For the uninitiated, a "century" is a 100-mile long bicycle ride. As you can imagine, 100-mile on a bike is a long and painful trek. This particular ride (aptly named: the Mountains of Misery) was beyond [...]
You've probably seen me touting Fit4LifeTraining lately (especially if you follow me on twitter @vripley). The hashtag #Fit4LifeTraining says it all. It encompasses so much in a compact package of words. As most of you know, I will be in an upcoming issue of Competitor magazine (I think May). There is a reason for that. Besides the fact that I've befriended professional athlete and one of my triathlete mentor/inspirations, Pip Taylor (she authored my article). And, [...]
Bicycle Ride on a Little Ole Hill
I have wanted to do the 54-mile Mount Weather loop ever since I heard it existed. It is dubbed as one of the toughest hill climbs in my area. It’s also one of the most [...]
Ninety-Eight More to Go!
A year ago I set a stiff goal for myself ... I decided to complete 100 triathlons in my lifetime. Well, I just came back from number two.
This was [...]
Struggling with Fitness
We’ve all been there … Each and every one of us über fitness nuts have brief stints where we fight internally and struggle to get a simple workout in. I’m fighting that battle on a regular basis. So I thought I would put some of my thoughts down to share with some of you.
It seems tougher and tougher to get a [...]
Century Bicycle Ride to the Beach
In keeping with my plan to participate in three major events each year of the rest of my life, I rode a 100+ mile bicycle ride with some of my best friends. We decided to ride from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge to Ocean City, Maryland.
You can see [...]
My First Triathlon
Okay, so it was only a mini-sprint (think real short, like George Castanza in a cold swimming pool) ...
The race broke down like this [...]
C&O Canal Ride 2009 from D.C. to Cumberland
"Behind us lay the whole of America and everything Dean and I had previously known about life, and life on the road. We had finally found the magic land at the end of the road and we never dreamed the extent of the magic."
-- Jack Kerouac, On the Road
Friday, September 19, 2009 at 6:31 a.m. Andrew and I started loading our bicycles on my truck. We packed tons of Gu, power bars and bottles of water. We piled into my FJ Cruiser and headed to Pete’s house. Our plan was simple (they always start that way) [...]
Epic Bicycle Trek
I embellish… It wasn’t an epic in the true sense of the word. But, for Pete and me, yesterday’s ride was a small epic.
We decided to ride the Poolesville, Maryland loop based on a local rider’s [...]
Bad Weather Didn’t Hinder
Pete and I rode 40 miles roundtrip today. It was horrendous weather... The rain was coming down pretty hard and the canal towpath was a solid trail of puddles, washouts and mud. 3/4 of the way through my trek and I started getting a chill that burned to the bone. My teeth chattered. [...]
Starting Out and Getting In Shape
We will be riding the C&O Canal from Washington D.C. to Cumberland, MD in the Fall of 2009. We'll be doing this over the course of three days on our bicycles
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I've started my training and I realized that [...]