HIV Longevity Still Fighting…


Get Your Hopes Up

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Funny how article titles happen... I started to call this one, "Don't Get Your Hopes Up" because it discusses a very serious subject and the possibility that HIV and AIDS will never be cured. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stand the name. I mean come on... I'm supposed to be Mr. Positive (no pun intended) here. It is my duty to inspire and exude positive energy. How on earth can I do that with a stinky disappointing title? So, I turned my frown upside-down and came up with a better, enlightened title, Get Your Hopes Up!

That said, this topic might dishearten some of you. I however, choose to [...]


What is the Magic with Magic

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jr. (born August 14, 1959) announced that he was HIV+ back in November of 1991. That is nearly twenty-two years ago!! So I ask again, What's the magic with Magic?

There is much speculation surrounding the question of why Magic Johnson (and many like him) have successfully stayed alive despite this death sentence. And, I believe that you can find a direct connection in [...]


World AIDS Day 2012

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Today is World AIDS Day. Please take 60 seconds out of your day to reflect and remember the millions and millions of people affected and infected by this horrible HIV virus

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Vitamins: The Newest Public Health Threat

Posted by Guest Blogger

With the boost in advertisement for vitamins and supplements, you may have jumped on the bandwagon, assuming that these products are safe. Unfortunately, not all websites like Neuropathy Help show you the true review of their product, and now as many people are quickly finding out that all vitamins and supplements aren't what they're cracked up to be, they are changing their mind about even using the healthy supplements out there. The products that you think are safe for your body may actually be doing more harm [...]


Colds, the Flu, and Other Painful Maladies

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

DISCLAIMER I really hate putting these things in here, but I feel that in today's letigious society it is absolutely necessary. That said, I am not a doctor! I don't even pretend to be one. These posts are merely my opinion and based on life experiences. If I made a mistake in this (or any) of my Blog entries, then I apologize. I also encourage you to post a comment and correct me. If you follow any advice or ideas in this Blog, you do so at your own risk! Enjoy!

I used to think that the word disease was simply [...]


Hello World!

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

HIV Longevity is finally open to the world! It is ironic that my Blog would be created and started on Friday the 13th

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About HIVLongevity

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