HIV Longevity Still Fighting…


So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

This might very well be my final blog post on

Don't panic! I'm not dying or anything like that. I'm a thriver. I'm a survivor. I can't die... Yet.

Nay, I am merely changing over to my new fulltime blog

You see, I have been inspiring and motivating on this blog for nearly five years now

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. And, folks have been very receptive and kind. However, I sort of niche'd myself into a select group with my blog name. This is actually okay, considering that I first created this blog with one intention - I wanted to help others dealing with HIV and AIDS by showing them how I've successfully managed to live this long. I created "The Secret" for this very reason. The whole idea was to have a website where I could publish articles on my trials and tribulations. And, how I've survived despite having HIV. Here we are nearly five years later (I started this blog on Friday the 13th in February of 2009) and I have not only accomplished my goal, but created a wonderful timeline of life events and stories at the same time.

It is with mixed emotions that I officially close down this blog and transfer over to my new one. But, I promise to give you every bit as much inspiration and motivation at my new one (perhaps more!)

I will continue to keep this blog up and available, because it is jam packed with useful information and stories. And, I will continue to monitor it for comments and be responsive. However, I'm not planning on posting any major articles. If something changes with my HIV or with HIV in general I will be sure to put it up here.

Also, I am compiling all of the "secret" articles from here and building a free ebook that I will publish in PDF format.

Please drop by my new blog Healthy Wealthy Tribe and chime-in on my inspirational posts there. You can also subscribe to be on my email list at my new blog and make sure you never miss one of my diatribes!

Love you all,
Vaughn Ripley

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Independence Day 2013

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

HaPpY BiRtHDaY to the United States of America

Independence Day, also known as "National Day," is a designated date on which celebrations mark the nationhood of the United States of America. During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from the oppressing Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776. On that day the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence. After voting for independence, Congress worked on the Declaration of Independence. Congress debated and revised [...]


Believe in Your Dreams and Believe in Yourself

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Rome was not built in a day. Like the Romans, you are creating something that will take incredible amounts of time and effort. You are working on yourself. Making you a smarter, stronger, wiser, healthier, more loving, believing, hard working, patient, and understanding person takes time. You absolutely can improve yourself in a day. You absolutely cannot create your ultimate desired outcome for yourself in a day.

As I've said in plenty of previous posts, kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that essentially [...]


Was Steve Jobs a Hero or a Shithead?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Is that the question?? Before you guys attack me for such a blatantly ugly question, allow myself to explain ... myself. Steve Jobs was fond of calling people heroes or shitheads. Walter Isaacson points out numerous "hero" and/or "shithead" occasions in his biography, "Steve Jobs." Jobs rarely found a middle ground. As a matter-of-fact, it seems like people were black and white to Jobs. Most of us mere mortals see people in shades of grey. Jobs had a knack and perhaps even a gift of calling it exactly the way he saw it. His brutal honesty would often make people feel like kings or tear them down into shreds of flesh.

I grew up knowing about Steve Jobs because my dad [...]


How to Boil a Frog

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I thought about titling this article, ”A Look at Why Some People Thrive, and Others Do Not.” However, that seemed a bit wordy, unclassy, and simply pompous … Talking about frogs on the other hand is fun, goofy, and downright cool. So … The title is what it is. I’m sure everyone knows how to boil a frog, but I will waste one minute and explain it … You boil a frog by slowly [...]


Which Cloud is Grandpa?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

What happens to us when we die? Why did Grandpa die? Where do we go when we die? Why do we die? When will I die? Die, die, die … These are common questions from our children. They are also common for many of us. This article will not point to answers, instead it is a philosophical look at our adorable children who ask the darndest things.

My mom, Diana, mentioned the other day that she remembers Xander looking up at the sky, pointing, and asking her, “Grandma, which cloud is Grandpa?”

These are the moments that bring tears to your eyes and at the same time [...]


When Life Throws Decreasing Radius Curves

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Sometimes life does throw decreasing radius curves at us. I suppose before I dive into today's lesson, I should first explain this mythical curve to those of you who have no idea what a decreasing radius curve actually is. Most of you can simply guess based on the name alone. But I will take a moment and clarify so we are all on the same page.

In a decreasing-radius curve, the curvature gets [...]


Stress Kills

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

The title is a bit ominous, but I honestly believe it's true! And, I'm not the only one. There are literally thousands of studies that show (and prove) that stress damages and deteriorates the immune system.

Stress and related issues is such an important topic to me that I've [...]


Sheepdog in Sheep’s Clothing

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I am a warrior. And, I have warrior's blood flowing in my veins. My father fought in the Vietnam War and was awarded the Bronze Star for acts of bravery. That said, the joke is on me … I was born in the body of a hemophiliac. And, on top of that, I contracted HIV back in the 80’s from a bad blood transfusion. That is why I call myself a sheepdog in sheep’s clothing. You see, I am constantly on the lookout for the wolf, but if I find him, we may both [...]


Social Media is Here to Stay

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I occasionally hear some old school folks put social media down and I've even heard some say it is a passing fad. To that I say, "Bunkum!" Social media is not simply a passing fad. What you may find is that some of the social media SITES are passing fads. They come and go so fast, many don't even know [...]


Kotowaza – Japanese Proverbs

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

As you all know, I refer to kaizen on a regular basis. Kaizen is a Japanese word that means daily improvement. I strive on a daily basis to improve myself. Today, I'd like to introduce you to another Japanese word ... Kotowaza. Essentially, kotowaza translates to "proverb." I am fascinated with Japanese philosophy and one of the main things I gain from the Japanese is [...]


Can a Joke be a Form of Bullying?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I think about this question from time-to-time and have come to the conclusion that sometimes a joke is a form of bullying. Obviously mental bullying can be harder on a person than physical at times. I mean come on … We all know that some jokes can and do hurt feelings. With that in mind, doesn’t it become a [...]


What Are You Grateful For?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

I know that this topic has been covered by most inspirational authors and in hundreds of books and magazine articles. Alas, I have my own take on it, and I wanted to share my belief about one of the strongest subjects I know about [...]


Getting Results

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

For better or for worse, ALL of the things we do have results or an outcome. Wouldn’t it be cool to shape your life to provide positive and desired/wanted results?

This post is related to one of my passions [...]


Ring in the New Year!

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Well it's 2012 ... Woo-Whoo!!! I have officially lived with HIV for more than 25 years! And, I have lived with hemophilia for nearly 45 years!

But ... more importantly ... [...]


Am I Losing My Identity?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

No, no, no … I’m not talking about some cracker in cyberspace stealing my credit card information and selling it to a drug czar in Russia. I’m referring to the original meaning of identity … You know, me, id, I, this person you see before you (hypothetically speaking).

Wow do I digress!!

Anyway … I have been doing some [...]


What’s Best In Life?

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

Okay... So that's a very broad question... But I can answer one piece of it.

Most of us (me included) don't know what we want. Before you say, [...]