Ring in the New Year!
Well it's 2012 ... Woo-Whoo!!! I have officially lived with HIV for more than 25 years! And, I have lived with hemophilia for nearly 45 years!
But ... more importantly ... In 100 years, it will be 2112. Then we can see if Geddy Lee was the Nostradamus of the 20th century! HA!
Ego digresso.
I called you all here today to discuss something that sort of drives me mad ... New Year's Resolutions. I am honestly tired of having them for myself and having to listen to others claim them only to find out that we failed.
My challenge to myself (and to you if you'll let me challenge you) is to dispense with resolutions and instead focus once again on simply improving myself on a daily basis.
That's right ... I'm talking about Kaizen. Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy and approach for the continuous incremental improvement of performance. Essentially it means striving to improve yourself on a daily basis. Tony Robbins calls it CANI (Constant And Never-ending Improvement). Regardless of what you call it, I'd love to see mankind (is that sexist? If so, then I meant man/womankind) practice Kaizen
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. But, like the old saying goes, if I want to change the world I should start with myself.
A few years back (2008) I setup my forst Kaizen goal, Fit for Life. And, for the most part I have stuck with it. Basically, I decided instead of saying I want to gain five pounds of muscle, lose five pounds of fat, and get stronger/healthier by April, that I would set a LIFE GOAL instead. Fit for life is a lifelong attack at something that plagues most of us. I want to get, maintain, and stay healthy for the remainder of my pathetic life on the Pale Blue Dot (credit Carl Sagan) we affectionately call Earth. In order to accomplish this, I set daily, weekly, monthly, and annual goals that I strive to keep up with and achieve.
So ... The next time someone ask me, "What's your New Year's Resolutions?" I'm going to retort, "I ain't got one."
I hope that 2012 is your best year yet!
Love and hugs,