My Wife is a Sexy Beast
I'm not looking for brownie points ... I'm not in Dutch with the wife (see: Raising Arizona) ... I am just a man, who is absolutely, totally, and madly in love with the most perfect human being that I know.
So ... This blog article is dedicated (and long overdue) to the most magical person in my life. My darling soul mate ... My better half ... Kristine Marie.
I don't always notice her hair cut ... I ain't that kind of man... Don’t get me wrong, I am a romantic. And, my wife is flat-out beautiful—I'm talking dead sexy! But I do not always notice things like that. I sometimes wish I did. I honestly would never try and hurt her feelings by not noticing. The fact of the matter is that I rarely notice these beautification things that she does. In my defense, I do notice some things that I consider more important; Her: deep and provocative brown eyes, sensual smile (that never fails to raise smiles from others), bodacious body, curvaceous butt, and other delectable parts that I need not mention in public. In addition to these heavenly physical attributes, Kristine also happens to be one of the most compassionate, loving, understanding (she needs to be with a man like me), responsible, and caring people that I have ever known. She’s also extremely personable and her personality is top-notched!
Suffice it to say that she is the whole kit-and-caboodle.
I know that many of you are saying, What did Vaughn do wrong to have to be posting this? My answer is: this post has been on my mind for eons now, but I never found a topical moment to pop it in on. I wasn’t sure how to wrangle some sunshine talk about the person I love most into such a serious blog. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I realized that this does fit in. Allow me to explain:
When Kristine and I met, it was 1987
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. And, I had recently found out I was HIV+. There is still a stigma and fears based around HIV, but take a moment and think back (or imagine about) to the 80’s. Stigma is not a strong enough word for how people felt. My family experienced threatening phone calls and the community shunned me. Down South, Ricky Ray’s house was burned to the ground in protest of him and his brothers going to public school. It seemed like medieval times as folks treated me like a leper. I’m not blaming people for feeling and acting the way they did. Society had created a dark place for people who were HIV+.
During that time, Kristine not only befriended me, but she also became my girlfriend. Despite the world’s beliefs and fears, she boldly accepted me. Imagine how amazing this is … She could have dated anyone, but she chose me. I felt the love, and I feel the love today.
On top of all the stigma and peering looks of strangers, imagine the other side. Back when we met, my life expectancy was fewer than two years. Think about that for a moment. Sincerely: close your eyes, and think about that. Imagine. Allow yourself a scary thought for a moment. This woman, who knew I was dying, fell in love with me and invited me into her life. That is the sign of a very strong person.
For all of these reasons, and manifold others, I am still here today. Kristine is my life, she is my support, and she is my lover. She is the mother of my children and she is my soul mate.
I would like to propose a toast to a magical spirit that is always there for me.
A happy man
January 22nd, 2012 - 13:22
Hear, hear to two of the most wonderful people I know.