HIV Longevity Still Fighting…


So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

Posted by Vaughn Ripley

This might very well be my final blog post on

Don't panic! I'm not dying or anything like that. I'm a thriver. I'm a survivor. I can't die... Yet.

Nay, I am merely changing over to my new fulltime blog

You see, I have been inspiring and motivating on this blog for nearly five years now

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. And, folks have been very receptive and kind. However, I sort of niche'd myself into a select group with my blog name. This is actually okay, considering that I first created this blog with one intention - I wanted to help others dealing with HIV and AIDS by showing them how I've successfully managed to live this long. I created "The Secret" for this very reason. The whole idea was to have a website where I could publish articles on my trials and tribulations. And, how I've survived despite having HIV. Here we are nearly five years later (I started this blog on Friday the 13th in February of 2009) and I have not only accomplished my goal, but created a wonderful timeline of life events and stories at the same time.

It is with mixed emotions that I officially close down this blog and transfer over to my new one. But, I promise to give you every bit as much inspiration and motivation at my new one (perhaps more!)

I will continue to keep this blog up and available, because it is jam packed with useful information and stories. And, I will continue to monitor it for comments and be responsive. However, I'm not planning on posting any major articles. If something changes with my HIV or with HIV in general I will be sure to put it up here.

Also, I am compiling all of the "secret" articles from here and building a free ebook that I will publish in PDF format.

Please drop by my new blog Healthy Wealthy Tribe and chime-in on my inspirational posts there. You can also subscribe to be on my email list at my new blog and make sure you never miss one of my diatribes!

Love you all,
Vaughn Ripley

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