So Long and Thanks for All the Fish
This might very well be my final blog post on
Don't panic! I'm not dying or anything like that. I'm a thriver. I'm a survivor. I can't die... Yet.
Nay, I am merely changing over to my new fulltime blog
You see, I have been inspiring and motivating on this blog for nearly five years now
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. And, folks have been very receptive and kind. However, I sort of niche'd myself into a select group with my blog name. This is actually okay, considering that I first created this blog with one intention - I wanted to help others dealing with HIV and AIDS by showing them how I've successfully managed to live this long. I created "The Secret" for this very reason. The whole idea was to have a website where I could publish articles on my trials and tribulations. And, how I've survived despite having HIV. Here we are nearly five years later (I started this blog on Friday the 13th in February of 2009) and I have not only accomplished my goal, but created a wonderful timeline of life events and stories at the same time.
It is with mixed emotions that I officially close down this blog and transfer over to my new one. But, I promise to give you every bit as much inspiration and motivation at my new one (perhaps more!)
I will continue to keep this blog up and available, because it is jam packed with useful information and stories. And, I will continue to monitor it for comments and be responsive. However, I'm not planning on posting any major articles. If something changes with my HIV or with HIV in general I will be sure to put it up here.
Also, I am compiling all of the "secret" articles from here and building a free ebook that I will publish in PDF format.
Please drop by my new blog Healthy Wealthy Tribe and chime-in on my inspirational posts there. You can also subscribe to be on my email list at my new blog and make sure you never miss one of my diatribes!
Love you all,
Vaughn Ripley
Please comment. And, if you dig, share this article:
My original intention with this blog was to create an online book of sorts. I planned to write several articles and consider them chapters in a bigger book that details the trials of living with HIV. It also details what I've done to survive this plague. I've now been living with this virus for nearly twenty-eight years! The road to creating multiple chapters in a blog format has been a a long one... However, it's also been a fun one. I've gotten to know loads of people who are dealing with HIV and AIDS. And, I've compiled my thoughts and secrets into one online resource
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Here are the titles (with links) of all of the chapters (there's a whopping 21 chapters) of this book...
- CHAPTER 1 - Introduction to the Secret
- CHAPTER 2 - Who Am I
- CHAPTER 3 - HIV Medication
- CHAPTER 4 - Side Effects
- CHAPTER 5 - Fitness
- CHAPTER 6 - Nutrition in a Nutshell
- CHAPTER 7 - Personal Hygiene
- CHAPTER 8 - Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll
- CHAPTER 9 - Colds, the Flu, and Other Painful Maladies
- CHAPTER 10 - Positive Attitude
- CHAPTER 11 - Suicidal Tendencies
- CHAPTER 12 - Family and Friends (support system)
- CHAPTER 13 - How to Live Longer
- CHAPTER 14 - Stress (fancy word for life)
- CHAPTER 15 - Hobbies and Extracurricular Activities
- CHAPTER 16 - The War of the Body
- CHAPTER 17 - Giving Back
- CHAPTER 18 - Urban Legends and Myths Demystified
- CHAPTER 19 - What is the Magic with Magic
- CHAPTER 20 - Get Your Hopes Up
- CHAPTER 21 - Amalgamation
As my blog category "The Secret" comes to a close, I'm considering putting it into an ebook and giving this information away for free. Did you know that 68 percent of all people living with HIV reside in sub-Saharan Africa. For this reason, I'm trying to translate my eBook to include: Portuguese, Spanish, French, German, Mandarin Chinese, Afrikaans, Zulu, Swahili, Niger-Congo phylum, Khoi-San, Nilo-Saharan, Afro-Asiatic, and Bantu. If you have have any additional language requests or ideas, please let me know in a comment.
p.s. This post is a chapter in my blog-book, The Secret to Longevity. Checkout my similar posts here: Or, follow the goodie trail:
Previous Secret Article — Next Secret Article
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Get Your Hopes Up
Funny how article titles happen... I started to call this one, "Don't Get Your Hopes Up" because it discusses a very serious subject and the possibility that HIV and AIDS will never be cured. The more I thought about it, the more I couldn't stand the name. I mean come on... I'm supposed to be Mr. Positive (no pun intended) here. It is my duty to inspire and exude positive energy. How on earth can I do that with a stinky disappointing title? So, I turned my frown upside-down and came up with a better, enlightened title, Get Your Hopes Up!
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Surefire Way to Beat Your Best Time
Today's article was inspired by a close friend, Paul. During a casual conversation he mentioned that he'd had an epiphany about something I'd said to him a few months back. Paul has always been fit and healthy, but over the last two years or so, he's ramped it up a good bit with the regular use of andarine as an additional health supplement to bulk his muscles. One of the exercises that he really likes and has done good at are pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great exercise and they can also be very hard to do when you're just starting out. Several months ago, Paul asked me a simple question... How can I do more pull-ups?
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Vow to Be a Better Parent
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What is the Magic with Magic
Earvin "Magic" Johnson, Jr. (born August 14, 1959) announced that he was HIV+ back in November of 1991. That is nearly twenty-two years ago!! So I ask again, What's the magic with Magic?
There is much speculation surrounding the question of why Magic Johnson (and many like him) have successfully stayed alive despite this death sentence. And, I believe that you can find a direct connection in [...]
Love Your Family As If You Will Die Today
One of my favorite quotes is from James Dean. I love the quote so much that it hangs (with a photo of him) in my den.
"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today."
-- James Dean (2/8/31 - 9/30/55)
This quote holds so much power, and it's sort of ironic that it came from a man who died at the very young age of twenty-four. A man who lived his life to the fullest and died young.
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Memorial Day 2013
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Let's start by clearly defining what Memorial Day is
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Believe in Your Dreams and Believe in Yourself
Rome was not built in a day. Like the Romans, you are creating something that will take incredible amounts of time and effort. You are working on yourself. Making you a smarter, stronger, wiser, healthier, more loving, believing, hard working, patient, and understanding person takes time. You absolutely can improve yourself in a day. You absolutely cannot create your ultimate desired outcome for yourself in a day.
As I've said in plenty of previous posts, kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that essentially [...]
Urban Legends and Myths Demystified
Throughout "the Secret" section of my blog I have tackled a bunch of subjects from staying healthy to preventing the spread through safe sex. Many of these topics have been fairly taboo. This topic might just prove to be the most taboo of all. However, I would be remiss if I didn't [...]
The Truth About Hemophilia
A better title for this article might have been, Hemophilia is a Pain in the Butt!
Or even, Allow Myself to Explain -- Myself.
However, I stuck with this one. Basically, I thought I would introduce you clotting readers to the [...]
Eyes of the Hawk’s, Part Three
This is the last day. The last day of the first week of the next chapter of our lives. Kiddo has been transformed into a walker at school, from having been a bus rider. Just as unexpectedly, I have transformed into a singleparent-fulltimeworker-everythingrestsonme type person. It is Friday morning. As I pull out from the school driveway to go punch the clock, I arrive at a tee intersection. A choice. Left? Right? What the [...]
Eyes of the Hawk’s, Part Two
We strap on our collection of lenses and survey the parking lot. It's busy here, but not [...]
Is Exercise a Waste of Time?
I have heard people from time-to-time say things like, "Workout, eat healthy, and die anyway." Or they might ask, "Don't you think that working out is a waste of time you could better utilize?" I have thought long and hard about these kind of naysayers. I've drawn my own conclusion that I decided to share.
Last year I exercised for 155.5 hours. This year I anticipate beating that number. So ... Was that time that I could have used for something else? The answer isn't a simple yes or no. You see, by working out (properly) you do things to your [...]
How I Stay Fit
I will be 46 years old next month
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Stay Hungry
Cracking open Steve Jobs' biography, Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson, I was instantly mesmerized and couldn't stop reading it. The book covers the entire life of one of my idols, Steve Jobs. A second idol, who impacted me just as much as Steve, was Arnold Schwarzenegger. Fortunately for me [...]
Giveaway for Hemophilia Awareness Month
Do you want to win a COo.oOL prize?
I'm giving away a $67 Amazon Gift Card and a signed copy of my book, Survivor: One Man's Battle with HIV, Hemophilia, and Hepatitis C at the end of March. March is Hemophilia Awareness Month, and I decided to run a contest/giveaway to support Hemophilia Awareness, give back to my friends, and gain followers at the same time!
It's easy to enter and I will draw one lucky winner from the contestants on March 31, 2013. In order to qualify you need to [...]
Was Steve Jobs a Hero or a Shithead?
Is that the question?? Before you guys attack me for such a blatantly ugly question, allow myself to explain ... myself. Steve Jobs was fond of calling people heroes or shitheads. Walter Isaacson points out numerous "hero" and/or "shithead" occasions in his biography, "Steve Jobs." Jobs rarely found a middle ground. As a matter-of-fact, it seems like people were black and white to Jobs. Most of us mere mortals see people in shades of grey. Jobs had a knack and perhaps even a gift of calling it exactly the way he saw it. His brutal honesty would often make people feel like kings or tear them down into shreds of flesh.
I grew up knowing about Steve Jobs because my dad [...]